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Nail Tech Advent Calendar

Want to get your nail professional something unique this year for the holidays? How about a gift that keeps on giving? How about a gift that even gives back to you in the form of new things for your favorite pro to use for creating amazing nail styles!? If you are a nail professional and don't want to take any chances waiting for clients to gift you one, gift yourself!

Now that you're curious, here's the scoop! This crazy cool gift is an advent calendar for the nail professional! It comes with 24 labeled gifts (1-24) to open in order on the countdown to the day of your choice - Christmas, New Year's, you can use it how you choose. This includes nail art items sourced exclusively for this calendar, some days have coupon codes, and some have motivational/inspirational messages!

Brands so far that have sponsored products/gifts are Elegant Glass Nails, Koko & Claire, Clear Jelly Stamper, En Vogue, and Profiles. They will include gel polish, stamping items, chromes, foils, glitter, nail art, implements & nail art tools and more! The list is continuing to grow so reserve this unique gift for your favorite nail professional now (or yourself). They will be sent out Nov 25-26th so they will be there hopefully just before Dec 1st!!

Professionals can share their gift opening experience in the Cordoza Concept Facebook group, one big nail family. Can you think of a better way to end such a hard year than some holiday cheer? Go to the same nail pro as a couple friends, split the cost then compare nail designs from the cool stuff they end up with!

Nail Art Advent Calendar
Nail Art Advent Calendar

Ready to order?

Click HERE

Watch for a future blog in December, I will be checking back in to see what you found in your calendars and how you are making use of it!

Nail Professionals when you start creating beautiful work out of all these goodies, just remember - YOUR time has VALUE xo

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