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Complimentary Nail Education

With COVID there are many manufacturers generously offering education to nail professionals on how to properly use their products. It is extremely important to know how to use the products you have in the salon the way the manufacturer intended for them to be used. With some things, once you know the rules you can bend them, with others, the directions are there for the safety of you and your clients or for the promised performance of the products.

What education have you taken advantage of while these opportunities are available? I have been retaking some classes that I had already taken before in addition to learning new things. With the services you perform and earn on from the complimentary classes, you can then move up to paid classes and increase your education platform back to what it was pre-COVID.

I just received an email from Famous Names this week that they have classes available the rest of the year to nail professionals, all you have to do sign up is email Marti at, here is the schedule if you are interested:

Famous Names 2020 complimentary class schedule
Famous Names 2020 complimentary class schedule

If you have received emails from other manufacturers with complimentary classes, please share the information in the comments below!

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