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Wiping the 2021 Slate Clean

What wipes are you using to clean the salon? Why? Here is the most important question, what is the contact time?

Let's go down the rabbit hole of contact time before we move on. Contact time is the amount of time the surface you are cleaning needs to remain visibly wet to actually be disinfected. Go ahead and grab the container of wipes that you use and read the directions for the contact time and see what it is.

What is the contact time? Take one of the wipes and just as an easy test set the timer on your phone for the contact time then wipe the surface of your nail table. If it starts to dry before the time is up keep wiping it, if the wipe dries out, get another one. How many times do you need to re-wipe your desk to keep it wet for the correct amount of time? Did you need more than one wipe?

Are your wipes meant to be used in a commercial space or a home? Are you a salon or a home? Do the wipes you use send the message that you take cleaning seriously and that you are a professional space with the necessary knowledge to be a safe salon? Think about things from the perspective of a new client, or even from your standing clients that expect you to have a higher standard of clean in 2021.

This is a great year to be an educated, knowledgeable professional. Teach your clients about contact time so they can be more aware of actually disinfecting surfaces at home should they choose to. Being the local expert means practicing what you preach and having the information to back it up. Here's to wiping the slate clean in 2021!

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