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Nail Care for Cancer Patients

The Look Good Feel Better program is an amazing online resource for cancer patients. They can choose to take complimentary online courses on things like:

· Skin Care and Makeup

· Wigs and Head Coverings

· Body Image, Wardrobe, and Styling

· Scarf Tying Techniques

And as of this year, Nail Care!! Look Good Feel Better is partnered with the Professional Beauty Association and licensed professionals teach the classes.

I worked with two of the program coordinators to ensure that the nail class provided current and accurate information for the class attendees. To start out, at the beginning of this year I have been the only person teaching the nail program, working out the flow and any kinks in timing or information. Now that it has built in class size, the nail program is ready for more volunteers!

If you could volunteer once a year, once a month, once a quarter, basically anything you are comfortable with, the classes are taught over Zoom. The cancer patients appreciate and enjoy learning how to do some basic home care and what to potentially expect from their treatment. Feel free to reach out to me if you are interested or if you have any questions about volunteering. If you are a cancer patient and would like to sign up for any of the programs you can find them at under the programs tab by clicking virtual workshops!

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