With clients venturing back into the salon after a prolonged absence, some of your marketing strategy on social media should take a different focus. Letting them know what your practices are concerning their safety is important. Spacing these informative posts out amongst your showing of beautiful nails and toes will give current clients peace of mind and allow potential clients to make the decision that you are a safe space to receive nail services.
Depending on the state or country you are in these posts will differ for each of you. Take a look at what you personally are doing to either adhere to guidelines for re-opening or going above the guidelines. For example, in my state there were no requirements for re-opening, only guidelines which basically means suggestions and many salons opted not to follow them. On top of that they have already expired. This made my strategy to point out that I exceeded the normal state requirements that were in place before COVID in addition to exceeding the guidelines they put out. Making my target client someone that cares about things like that.
I am not targeting the consumer that wants in and out quickly and cheaply, I am targeting the person that is conscientious of the environment they are placing themselves in and the quality of the resulting service while being willing to pay for that quality. Your social media should always target your ideal client. Think about them with every post you make on your salon page. Below I will show you photos that I have either already used or have taken and scheduled to use on my salon page with captions so you can get an idea for what I am talking about and plan to craft your own posts. Always remember your time has value and reflect that ideal even in your posts!
What does it mean to get your nails done by the FingerNailFixer®️? It means that every metal implement is cleaned first by scrubbing with soap and water then fully submerged in HLD8, a high level disinfectant that goes beyond what the state law requires for disinfection standards. Tools are only ever used on ONE person before they get cleaned, that’s what it means to get your nails and toes done by the FingerNailFixer. Clean tools, every service.

For your safety, I will be wearing a mask and a face shield, for the safety of all clients in the salon we ask that all clients wear a mask and that you come to your appointment alone. Please wait outside on the patio or in your car until you receive a text that the area has been disinfected and is ready for you! These measures will be in place until further notice going by the health and safety of our clients, above the state recommendations.

Did you know these little wooden sticks should be thrown away after every client? So should gloves! When you get your nails done by the FingerNailFixer®️, I use a new file, new pair of gloves, and a new orangewood stick for EVERY single client! This has been the protocol in the salon for many years and continues to be. Hope to see you soon for a clean, safe service!